Chainring sizes: Momentum....

A better title for this should be "Chain ring sizes: Does it make you faster?" That's what people want to know. I've always heard that in theory everything is perfect and once you put the theory to practice things change. In theory having different chain rings shouldn't make a difference because in a 3x9 gear setup, gear combinations over lap. For example, a 32x16 is the same gear as 42x21, both achieve a speed of 12.4 mph at 80 rpm. So if you ride the whole park would you be faster than the other one? The answer is "no" 100 percent of the time.

So how is having a larger chain ring making most people faster. Put simply, in mountain biking you have to shift a lot because the terrain is constantly changing. Most people don't do shift as much as they should, and even when they do it is not enough. Having a larger chain ring minimizes the amount of shifting you need to do, hence giving the feeling of having more momentum.

So go ahead and try it. If you ride a 26" get a 38 or 39T and if you ride a 29er get a 34 or 36T, you will be surprised what it goes for your riding.


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